Security Advice and Specialist Products for Churches, Mosques and Temples
Churches, mosques, temples and other places of worship can be a common target for thieves. These buildings are often very old and commonly have valuables left on site with little security measures in place.
Thornhill Security offers a range of resilient products which keep religious buildings safe against theft and more resilient to unauthorised intrusion.

Domestic Safes
When altarware is not in use, it should be secured in a safe place. Whilst a locked room may suffice in some situations, if the premises were broken into the thief would likely have little trouble gaining access to valuables.
At Thornhill Security, we have a multitude of domestic and commercial safes to suit your needs including our SMP Concept 3 cash safes range, with cash ratings of up to £4,000 meaning insurance companies will cover up to £40,000 in losses.
If you already have a safe in place but it is old, consider our safe repairs and upgrades service, ensuring you get the most out of your outdated safe. Alternatively, if your premise needs a safe but you are on a budget, consider a second hand safe. Starting at just £200, our used safes are reconditioned, the locking mechanisms are fully checked and serviced with new keys or locks are fitted meaning they do not compromise on quality.
Access Control Systems

Document Fire Safes
Security Grilles
Security Grilles are a robust solution to reinforce any window or door on the exterior or interior of a property. Our grilles are fully customisable meaning they won’t have a negative effect on the aesthetics of the church, mosque or temple but do not compromise security. The addition of grilles can repel attempted break-ins with tools commonly used such as bolt cutters, hacksaws and crowbars.
Additionally, security grilles can be fitted to windows – in older places of worship, windows are often single glazed and easily broken into.

Combatting Vandalism
Vandalism is a major threat to religious centres, whether the crimes are hate motivated or not, graffiti and even arson are not uncommon. Additionally, metal theft from churches is a crime that often occurs in the UK, in order to reduce these crimes, those who are responsible for religious buildings should:
- Keep items that could be used to start fires out of sight, old newspapers, candles etc.
- Ensure the property is equipped with a working burglar and fire alarm.
- Keep all doors, windows and gates (if applicable) locked shut when the premises are vacant.
- Consider a strong padlock for the gated entrances of the premises.